For 51 years, Crosslake has been celebrating the coming of Spring with a St Patrick’s Day Parade. What started out in the 70’s as a remedy for Cabin Fever, has grown into a destination event for thousands of green-clad, Irish-for-a-day, weekend enthusiasts. Some build a float and travel the 2-mile-long route tossing hundreds of pounds of candy and trinkets, and others set up lawn chairs, days in advance to get ”their perfect spot” for family and friends. While the parade is the highlight, the celebration begins days before as we sweep the streets of snow, adorn our shops in green and pre-game with a Treasure Hunt, Live Music, the Clover Dash 5K and more! Mark your calendars for March 14-16, 2024 and see for yourself why the Crosslake St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Celebration has been declared the Best of the Brainerd Lakes AND the Best in the State!