You can make a difference around the world!
We invite you to sponsor a child through our partnership with OneChild. As a sponsor you’ll be part of a global community of Child Champions, bringing hope to children in some of the world’s hardest places. Your sponsorship will provide holistic care so your sponsored child can overcome barriers and thrive.
OneChild serves more than 40,000 children around the world. They work in many of the hardest places.
Places where others can’t go.
Places where Christians can be persecuted.
Places where gang violence is rampant.
Places where people have been forgotten.
Places where children are suffering.
Places where kids need help the most.
Our afternoon host and Program Director on The Pulse Dave Wonders, traveled to Nicaragua with OneChild recently.
See what Dave has to say:
I recently had the privilege of visiting OneChild’s Hope Centers in Nicaragua, where I met some incredible kids. Each one is uniquely gifted by God and full of potential to become a world-changer. But these children and children just like them around the world need your help to thrive.
For just $44 a month, you can provide a child living in poverty with nutritious food, educational support, medical care, and—most importantly—the opportunity to discover the hope and love of Jesus Christ. Your sponsorship can transform the life of one child, and in the process, God may use that child to transform your life as well.
OneChild brings hope to the children in need through four vital tools: faith, education, health, and relationships. Each child is given a voice and gets to have individualized care in all these areas in order to build up a strong community and Church presence for generations.